Our brain controls everything. It controls how we sleep, work, our thoughts, how we communicate and how we function. The month of June recognizes brain awareness. So does The Art Spread. This post talks about what impacts our brain, how we can improve our brain and new science advancing treatment for brain disorders. Join me as we walk into the brain improvement path together!
And don’t forget to attend our Brain Awareness Event from anywhere, virtually! It is June 19, 2021 at 11 a.m. PST / 2 p.m. EST. Join a conversation that I know your brain will love. (Check out our Events page for more details.)

I watched my grandmother die with dementia. It consumed the last years of her life. She had no idea who her children or grandchildren were by the time of her death. This was completely unlike her. She used to walk miles to pick me up from elementary school and take care of my sister and I. This post is dedicated to her and her strength battling dementia.
With that said, here are five ways to make our brains healthier.

1. Ask! Ask yourself questions. Are you happy? Satisfied? Feeling good? Feeling down? Feeling weird? Alone? Truly give yourself time to hear and think about your answers. Allow your mind and brain to help you by answering tough questions without feeling afraid of the response.

2. Stay informed about science. We have come a long way since lobotomies. As recently as June 7, 2021, the FDA approved a trial drug called aducanumab to treat Alzheimer’s. It is supposed to slow the effects of cognitive decline. Follow the science to track and study its improvement.

3. Exercise your brain. What exercises can you do to improve your brain? Start by meditating. Even if it is for two minutes, where you do not think of anything. This will clear your mind and stimulate your brain. Also, put a puzzle together or play chess. These activities force us to think strategically about an end goal. Teach people a new skill. This helps you become the master of your own practice!

4. Eat Super Foods and Keep Healthy Habits. Eating food like salmon, blueberries and broccoli have been found to improve memory and focus. Turmeric, a root/spice has recently emerged as a new sensation for our brain. It has been shown to improve depression, memory and generate new brain cells. Next time you are at the grocery store, (my favorite is Vons) pick up a turmeric root, gummies or spice. Add to your favorite foods and share your improvement!
At the same time, don’t kill your brain cells with substances like nicotine and alcohol. While you may think “shots” of alcohol are great in the moment, a hangover can shrink your brain and alter its chemistry. Drink a delicious ice cup of water with lemon instead, or my favorite, boil ginger root for a refreshing and satisfying taste.
5. Use your brain. I mean this in the common sense and figurative way. My sister always joked that I was incredibly smart but lacked common sense. Try to be well rounded. Emotional intelligence and “reading the room” can go a long way in advancing your career, business and relationships. Figuratively, listen to music for brain stimulation and try to learn a new language. Cognitively challenge yourself. Remember, sometimes it is mind over matter.

I hope you enjoyed reading this! Leave your comments and suggestions below. I always love sharing ideas and talking to you.
Nice article. Short and to the point. Thank you.
Thank you for reading it Dirk!
Pingback: Brain Awareness Event (June 2021) – The Art Spread
Thanks for sharing that personal story. I feel so many people are affected by this directly but also indirectly. The recommendations you gave are an amazing way to create self care. I am a big believer in exercising your mind through meditation. It’s also incredible to hear that science may finally have a breakthrough. Great post!
Thank you for these practical brain tips. Yoga has helped me learn to slow down enough to meditate and be still for a few moments. I also love the fun brain exercises! Puzzles are a great way to connect shapes and colors. They’re an activity that helps take us offline which is very refreshing in such a digital age.