All About Minju Li

Meet Artist Minju Li

Minju Li is an artist born in Korea and currently based in Orange County, California. Before Minju’s senior year in college, she traveled to California and fell completely in love with it – sunny weather, palm trees everywhere and living close to the beach. She decided to do an internship in California where the grass is really greener! After a full year, she got an offer for a full-time position which she took with zero hesitation.

Minju’s native language is Korean. She studied fine art in college and received her bachelor’s degree at Seoul National Univ of Science and Technology. After graduating, she came to the United States when she turned 25 and started her career as a graphic designer and artist at a wall decor wholesaler under the pseudonym Guseul Park. During that time, she explored various mediums and different types of art that led her to develop her own style. Her job provided her with unique opportunities of collaborating with some of her favorite brands, like Anthropologie, Crate and Barrel, Neiman Marcus, etc. 

After 9 years of working in the corporate world, Minju decided it was time to take a leap. Minju quit her steady but stressful job to pursue her own art career. As her new art career is taking off, she has had work displayed in a local coffee shop and through an exclusive online gallery. To validate herself as a person and artist, Minju’s work is now showcased using her real name, Minju Li. She hopes to continue this journey and connect with her audience along the way.

A statement from Minju…

I draw my inspiration from daily life, whether being on a trip to somewhere unusual or just taking an afternoon stroll, I like to examine things closely and find something that sparks my inspiration.

When I create, I like to be spontaneous and rely on my instinct and my deepest emotions and thoughts are reflected on my art.

I was such a shy kid and since then, I’ve acquired some social skills but deep down, I am still a total introvert. Painting sets me free. When I paint, all these nervous feelings, pressure and restrictions are gone and I feel calm, focused and liberated. I get to completely be myself. To me, that’s the most beautiful thing about creating art.

I work with various mediums including acrylics, watercolors, mixed media and digital. I’d like to explore new tools and subjects and strive to constantly reinvent myself.

Artist Interview – Minju Li

Minju Li shares about her artistry and what made her have such sophisticated style. She uses art as her voice, to tell us her story about moving to America from South Korea by herself, with art leading the way. Minju was interviewed by Nadin Said to tell us a little more about herself.

“What emotions do you experience as you create art?”




I feel liberated! I say this a lot but I’m such an introvert and shy but when I’m creating, I get really bold. Art really sets me free.

“What are your three go-materials for making art?”

My 3 go-materials are acrylics, watercolors and oil pastel. With watercolor, you can never have 100% control but that’s part of what makes it so attractive. You just have to be fully dedicated in that moment and I love that feeling. Acrylics are super fun because they’re very versatile. I like adding oil pastel to my acrylic and watercolor pieces because it brings different texture and character.

“Who is your favorite iconic artist?”

watercolour, watercolor, art-2168686.jpg

Vincent Van Gogh

He’s always been my favorite artist since I can remember. There is something so magical about his colors and brush strokes! I cried when I went to MOMA and found out my absolute favorite piece of his, ‘The Starry Night’ was traveling at that time because I thought I’d never have a chance to visit New York again and get to see the masterpiece(I was visiting New York for the first time, still lived in Korea, college kid) I cried again when I visited again and finally see it in person! It was a bit embarrassing but I couldn’t help it.

“In your studio, do you listen to music or a podcast while you create? Or do you prefer  silence?”



I like to listen to music. I have a broad taste in music so I pick a genre depending on my mood! It doesn’t necessarily match the look that I’m going for.

“How can we support you?”

Like, share and save on social media is HUGE! Growing an audience is really challenging so if you see my work that you like, please click that button and spread love! 


“How can our audience keep in touch with you?”
You can find me on Instagram! @sincerelyminju
You can see my most recent work there and sometimes I post fun videos like WIP, behind the scenes and studio vibe or shoot me a DM 🙂
I also have a website.

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2 thoughts on “All About Minju Li”

  1. Minju, I love playing with watercolor as well; I agree that it allows us a chance to let go of control and enjoy the process as we create something meaningful and fluid.

    It’s been great getting to know you more through this interview!

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