Meet Artist Demarquis
Demarquis is a published playwright and gallery exhibited artist from Orlando, Florida. His expressionist style vividly shows the beauty of everyday life experienced by children and how these moments shape their future. Demarquis’ work has been displayed in juried shows from New York City to the London Spring Art Fair.
Four Sisters Gallery of Self-Taught Visionary Art in North Carolina Wesleyan University houses several of Demarquis’ paintings in its permanent collection. As an artist, Demarquis aspires to encourage others to pursue their dreams and not let anything stop them, just as he did.
A statement from Demarquis…

As an artist, my goal is to show others you can create from nothing more than having a desire.
Even a paper bag can become art.
Years ago, I wanted to buy a Christmas gift for my brother, but I didn’t have any money. I came up with an idea to paint something for him. I didn’t even have a canvas to paint on. So, I used a paper bag.
The painting turned out so well, that it became one of my first pieces of art sold in a gallery and was purchased by the mayor of Norfolk. From that painting came 300+ more sold. All pieces of children striving to accomplish something. There’s a story in every painting.
Who knew my desire to do something special for my brother would open special doors for me.
Artist Interview – Demarquis
We have the pleasure of interviewing Demarquis, a talented painter who transports us back to the whimsical days of childhood. With a keen eye for nostalgia, Demarquis captures the essence of childhood memories through his colorful and cartoon-like characters. Each stroke of the brush seems to breathe life into these creations, evoking the carefree joy of playground adventures and laughter shared with friends. Through his art, Demarquis seeks to remind us all of the magic that once filled our hearts as we navigated the world with unbridled curiosity.
“What is your latest project?”
I am currently working on scenes from preschools that are inspired by my new job as a vpk/head start teacher.
“What message are you trying to convey in your work?”
The message of my artwork is to dream like a child no matter what. Look past what roadblocks may be in front of you.
“What emotions do you experience as you create art? “
I definitely experience joy and peace from creating art. It allows me to let go of everything that’s going on around me and escape to a world that I’m creating in whatever piece I’m working on. It’s almost like playing a virtual reality game.
“What are your three go-materials for making art? “
My go to materials haven’t changed much over the years. Acrylic paint, brown paper bag from the grocery store, and dried-out ink pens.
“Who is your favorite iconic artist?”
I like all of Picasso’s work, but I also love the work of collage artist Romare Bearded. Every piece looks like so much fun and it’s inspiring.
“Who is your biggest fan and supporter? “
I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to be a bigger fan and supporter of my work than myself, as it should be.
“How can our audience keep in touch with you?”
You can can keep in touch with me through social media at @Demarquis1981 or email at
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